General Ed Homebound

Criteria for Homebound Services
Any student who is served through the homebound program must meet the following criteria: 

1. The student is expected to be confined at home or hospital for a minimum of 4 weeks.  The weeks need not be consecutive. 
2.  The student is confined at home or hospital for medical reasons only.  
3. The student's medical condition is documented by a physician licensed to practice in the united states.  
4. The homebound services are delivered in the home or hospital setting within the Sharyland ISD school district.  

Sharyland ISD primarily uses its current certified general education teaching staff to provide homebound services.  As a result, most homebound services are offered after school hours. Requests for services at different times are considered on a
case-by-case basis and require medical documentation to justify the need for an alternative schedule.  The homebound teacher must provide at least four (4) hours of instruction weekly to maintain 100% attendance for students. Attendance is necessary to meet state requirements for compulsory attendance, to obtain course
credit and to advance from grade to grade.

Make-up sessions need to be provided to homebound students when the homebound teacher is absent.  Sessions missed due to student inability to receive homebound instruction will not be rescheduled and will be considered an absence.  

District Policy