Title I – Part A Program
The purpose of our Title I program is to improve the academic achievement of the disadvantaged students. Funding helps ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments. We currently have school wide programs at each campus; at least 40 percent of our student population at each campus is considered low-income. All services provided are research-based and approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Services consist of tutoring, curriculum material, staff development, and health/clothing needs. Funds assist to pay teachers, counselors, and teacher aides that directly work with the disadvantaged students.
Title I – Part C Migrant Program
The purpose of our Migrant program is to assist the student academic performance for migrant students. Funding helps ensure that we support high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory children to help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves. Migratory children are provided with appropriate educational services (including support services) that address their special needs in a coordinated and efficient manner. The programs are designed to help the students overcome cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and to prepare such children to make a successful transition to post secondary education or employment.
Services consist of tutoring programs, school supplies, clothing, back-to-school success projects, academic workshops, Reading Is Fundamental activities, credit accrual for secondary students, and a Migrant Summer Program.
Title II – Part A Teacher/Principal Training
The purpose of our Teacher/Principal training program is to increase student academic achievement through strategies that improve teacher and principal quality and increase the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom, highly qualified principals, and assistant principals in schools.
Services consist of district staff development, campus-need staff development, class-reduction teachers for elementary schools, reimbursement of ESL Certification, and collaborating with Human Resources Department for the recruitment of Highly Qualified staff.
Title III – Language Instruction for English Language Learners (ELL) and Immigrant Students
The purpose of our ELL/Recent Immigrant program is to improve the education of limited English proficient children by assisting the children to learn English and meet challenging state academic content and achievement standards. We use approaches and methodologies based on scientifically based research on teaching limited English proficient and immigrant students by developing and implementing new language instructional educational programs.
Services consist of meeting the needs of our ELL population by providing a Bilingual/ESL program, Dual Language program at the elementary level, Newcomer program for grades 3rd – 12th, district parental meetings, and English as a Second Language program for parents. We also offer summer language academies for first year recent immigrants grades 3rd – 9th.