Evernote -
Make, organize, and share notes on any device, anywhere
Dropbox -
Store files of any file type in the cloud based environment and access them from any device
Office 365-
Secure, anywhere access to email and calendars, Office Web Apps, conferencing, and file sharing.
Prezi -
A cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides.
Poll Everywhere -
Instant Audience Feedback using SMS (text) messaging.
Skyward Mobile Access -
Provides intuitive access for students, parents, and school staff that currently use Skyward's Family Access, Student Access, or Employee Access.
Find out what's happening, right now, with the people, organizations, and classes you care about.
Powerful research tool and a knowledge-sharing community. Transition from Delicious to Diigo. Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes, Online Bookmarking and more. All while being able to share it with other Diigo users.
Create QR Codes with Kaywa's free QR Code Generator or Kaywa's commercial QR MGMT

Google Drive-
Keep everything. Share anything. Everywhere you are - on the web, in your home, at the office and on the go. Get started with 5 GB free.
Create and share amazing video lessons with your iPad or browser. Teach what you know. Learn what you don't.
A unique visual bookmarking tool that helps users keep their favorite links in order.
Todays Meet-
Todays Meet is a microblogging backchannel that empowers computer classroom teachers to generate a discussion, without the interference of raised hands or student disruption.