Bilingual/ESL Program Mission Statement
The mission of the Bilingual/ESL Program of Sharyland ISD is to provide multiple opportunities for all
students to become competent in listening, speaking, reading, writing
and comprehending the English language through the development of
literacy and academic skills in order for them to master the state
curriculum, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and
participate equitably in school.
Elementary Program (PK-6th)
Transitional Bilingual Early Exit Model (PK-6th)
Sharyland ISD
implements the state mandated Bilingual Program through the
Transitional Bilingual Early Exit Model as per Texas Education Code
(TEC) §89.1210. This transitional model is a full-time program that
provides instruction in both Spanish and English commensurate with the
students’ linguistic proficiency and academic potential [TEC
§89.1210(b)]. Students learn their TEKS in their first language, then transfer that knowledge to English. The goal of the Transitional Bilingual Early Exit model is to completely transition ELLs’ instruction
into English within 5 years of their participation in the program.
Instruction is tailored to the student’s needs by Bilingual Certified
teachers who monitor the linguistic and academic progress of each
student. Instruction is designed to address the affective, linguistic
and cognitive needs of ELLs.
In life, we want students to maintain their native language because being bilingual opens many opportunities for learning and working, and helps students make connections with more people and community resources.

Content-Based ESL Model
(Native Speakers of a language other than English or Spanish, PK-6th)
ISD implements the state mandated English as a Second Language Program
through the Content-Based ESL Model as per TEC §89.1210. This model
provides supplementary instruction for all content areas by integrating
ESL instruction with subject matter instruction that focuses on learning
a second language using English as a medium to learn math, science,
social studies, and other academic subjects. Teachers use sheltered instruction in the form of visuals, modified texts, and modified assignments to facilitate comprehension. Teachers are ESL Certified
and/or have received professional development in Sheltered Instruction.